
Archive for the ‘Character: Narcissa Malfoy’ Category

Hermione Granger: Mudblood Act

December 24, 2010 Leave a comment

“Mudblood Act” is a Harry Potter fanfic starring Hermione Granger. The author is Ayla Pascal.

In this dystopian story, Voldemort has won the war and life becomes really hard for Mudbloods. The fic shows us this new, darker world through Hermione’s eyes.

I wouldn’t say this is a perfect story. The ending doesn’t give the readers a sense of completion. Besides, the fic contains the tired, unconvincing cliché “he raped me but I couldn’t help an orgasm.” With that being said, I urge you to read this fic if you are looking for a well-written, thoroughly believeable dystopia. The world, the laws, the society described by the author are all fascinating–in a sad, twisted way. The more you read about it, the more you want to know.

The characterisations are all perfect. And I’m glad that Narcissa wasn’t depicted as a villain, but as a rather sympathetic and almost friendly character instead–well, as sympathetic and friendly as the circumstances allowed her to be.

Read this HP dystopian fic featuring Hermione Granger.

Narcissa Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy: Torn Lace

January 19, 2010 Leave a comment

“Torn Lace” is a Harry Potter fanfic featuring Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. It’s been written by lar-laughs.

In this story, Narcissa expects an apology from Lucius while she prepares herself for Draco’s third birthday party.

Despite the ship, I’d say this is really a gen fic. Romance is certainly not the focus here—and the fic is much better off without it. Lucius’ characterisation is spot-on, Draco’s first words are priceless (despite their intrinsic cruelty) and Narcissa’s tribulations and feelings are well written, making it hard not to sympathise with her.

Read this HP fic starring Narcissa and Lucius.

Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange: Silene Noctiflora

December 29, 2009 Leave a comment

“Silene Noctiflora” is a Harry Potter fanfic starring Narcissa (not yet Malfoy) and Bellatrix (not yet Lestrange). It’s been written by Diabólica.

This story is told from eight-year-old Narcissa Black’s POV. She finds herself helping Bellatrix put a questionable plan into practice.

Most dark fics out there are mere exercises in exhibitionism (“Should it be dark? Then I’ll have this male character rape her, vomit on her, pee on her and everyone will sympathyse with him and think this fic is super dark, and I’ll look like a fanfiction superstar!”). Not this one; it’s a genuinely dark story. Yes, it does contain violence—hence the rating—but the author clearly didn’t write it just because she could. Most importantly: unlike many dark fic writers, Diabólica does *not* try to induce us readers to view the characers’ twisted actions as somewhat justifiable. Their misdeeds are what they are.

The fic is very well-written. I love little Narcissa’s voice. The plot and the characters are entirely believable; except for the magic, this could be a real story about real people and their real cruelty.

Click here now to read this dark fic about Narcissa and Bellatrix.

Molly Weasley, Narcissa Malfoy: Right Where it Hurts

December 29, 2009 Leave a comment

“Right Where it Hurts” is a Harry Potter ficlet starring Molly Weasley and Narcissa Malfoy. The author is lar_laughs.

In this story, Molly goes to a party hosted at the Malfoy Manor, only to find herself embarrassed.

I’m reccing this fic because it’s so easy to relate to Molly’s feelings. When I saw how Narcissa found a way to prolong Molly’s torture, I couldn’t help but think: “Urgh! Oh, no!”

Read this HP ficlet about (poor) Molly and (evil) Narcissa.

Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Malfoy: Mating Games

December 21, 2009 Leave a comment

“Mating Games” is a Harry Potter fanfic featuring Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy and written by snapesgirl_62.

In this story, Narcissa wants to not only get pregnant, but also fulfil her fantasies involving her husband’s long hair.

There’s an old-fashioned flavour to Lucius and Narcissa’s relationship that makes this story strangely charming. They definitely don’t look like a couple from the second half of the 20th century—and if they did, perhaps this fic wouldn’t be so pleasing to the eyes.

The sexy scenes are great. The author proved that kinky stories do not have to be gross to engage the readers.

Click here to read this fic about Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy.

The Black Sisters: Always: A Fugue for Three Sisters

December 19, 2009 Leave a comment

“Always: A Fugue for Three Sisters” is a Harry Potter femslash fanfic about the Black sisters: Bellatrix, Narcissa and Andromeda. The author is noeon.

If you dislike incest, you’d better stay away from this fanfic. Anyway, it should be noted that this story features not only erotic moments, but also family drama.

The scenes between Bellatrix and Narcissa are very hot. The author added some voyeurism to the mix, making the scenes even stronger. The initial and the final sections focus on family issues, and in both cases noeon did very well too, proving that you don’t need to be wordy to explain the situation your characters are in.

Read this Harry Potter fanfic about the Black sisters.

Narcissa Malfoy, Bellatrix Lestrange: Won’t Realise I’m Gone

December 16, 2009 Leave a comment

“Won’t Realise I’m Gone” is a Harry Potter fanfic about the sisters Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange. The author will be given credit here as soon as his/her name is revealed.

This family drama shows Narcissa’s continuous visits to Bellatrix, who’s imprisoned at Azkaban and gets worse and worse as the months go by.

The author did a great job on this fic, because s/he kept Bellatrix strictly in character—which means, among other things, that she’s still a cruel Muggle hater—and yet managed to build an essentially humane story.

Although one might argue that a person like Bellatix doesn’t deserve to be cared for, it’s hard not to relate to Narcissa’s feelings towards her sister. That’s where the strength of this fic lies: it’s a beautiful tale about sisterly love in spite of the fact it deals with villains.

Click here to read this fanfic featuring Bellatrix and Narcissa.